封头是压力容器上的端盖 |
添加时间:2019/11/23 14:11:24 浏览次数: |
封头是石油化工、原子能到食品制药诸多行业压力容器设备中不可缺少的重要部件。 The head is an indispensable and important part of pressure vessel equipment in petrochemical, atomic energy, food and pharmaceutical industries. ● 封头是压力容器上的端盖,是压力容器的一个主要承压部件。所起的作用是密封作用。一是做成了罐形压力容器的上下底,二是管道到头了,不准备再向前延伸了,那就用一个封头在把管子用焊接的形式密封住。和封头的作用差不多的的产品有盲板和管帽,不过那两种产品是可以拆卸的。而封头焊好了之后是不可以再拆卸的。 与之配套的管件有压力容器、管道、法兰盘、弯头、三通、四通等产品。 ● the head is the end cover on the pressure vessel, which is a main pressure bearing part of the pressure vessel. The function is to seal. The first is to make the upper and lower bottom of the tank shaped pressure vessel. The second is that the pipe has reached the end and is not ready to extend further. Then use a head to seal the pipe in the form of welding. The products with the same function as the head are blind plate and pipe cap, but those two products can be disassembled. After the head is welded, it can't be disassembled The matching pipe fittings include pressure vessel, pipeline, flange, elbow, tee, cross and other products. ●封头的品质直接关系到压力容器的长期安全可靠运行。 ● the quality of the head is directly related to the long-term safe and reliable operation of the pressure vessel. |
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